Course Maintenance
Due to the rain over the last few weeks, and the expected rain, we were not able to undertake the works on the greens as we had hoped.
The 9th green has not been able to be ‘nuked’ (poisoned), as was planned. We are still hoping to access Avondale Golf Club and harvest at least one of their greens on Thursday 16 March, weather permitting. The 9th green will have its turf removed on Wednesday 15 March ready for relaying.
For those who have volunteered to help at Avondale, we hope to leave the Valley at 9.00am for those wishing to car pool. Remember to bring gloves, bottled water will be provided. If the weather is so bad we cannot go ahead with the Avondale option, ring Ross at the Valley or we will try to contact you via your contact numbers in the fixtures book to advise what is happening.
Don’t forget about our adopt a bunker initiative. Adopt a bunker and you get to name the bunker, eg, the two 8th hole bunkers before the creek are nicknamed “The Needles”.
Again thanks to all those people who are removing a weed per hole. Keep up the good work and we may become weed free!!!!!!!!
Major Pennant
This Sunday, 12 March, our Major Pennant team will play Asquith at the Valley teeing off at 9.00am. Come down and cheer on the team. Good luck to Laurie McMartin (Manager) and the team.
Knockout Championships
The Men’s semi-finals were delayed due to the rain last weekend.
The Ladies knockout is underway so good luck to those playing.
Questions/Information/Buy and Sell
Do you have a matter you want help with? I do – does anyone know where you can get a pink slip for rego renewal for less than $38.00? Let Dan know.
Remember Euchre and Darts are on every Wednesday starting at 7.30pm. Come down, have dinner at Peter’s Bistro and play either euchre or darts for fun and prize
BVGC Board of Directors