Level 1 Junior Clinic Program Information 2024

There will be 2 sessions available.

– 2:45pm – 3:35pm Sunday Afternoons – 3:45pm – 4:35pm Sunday Afternoons

– Sessions run for 50mins – 1hr

– You may only attend 1 session per week – Costs of the term will be $150 per child

– Maximum of 10 kids in a session

The purpose of this Junior Program is to introduce kids to the game of golf by learning the basics of the game and also making new friends while doing it.

To Sign up please email Blake Forsythe – bforsythe@pgamember.org.au

Entries close 11:59pm 14th September

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask the proshop staff.
PS – dates are subject to change throughout the term and year due to unforeseen circumstances and outside commitments. I will communicate these changes to the parents as to not lead to any confusion.


Term 3:

Week Sunday Activity
Week 1 15th September Learning the basics


Week 2 22nd September Learning the basics


Week 3 29th September Course Play


Week 4 6th October Chipping Lesson


Week 5 13th October Putting Lesson


Week 6 20th October Course Play


Week 7 27th October Driver & Woods


Week 8 3rd November Driver Session


Week 9 10th November Iron Session


Week 10 17th November Course Play


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