Purpose of Financial Statements

The objective of financial statements is to provide information about the financial position, performance, and changes in the financial position of an enterprise that is useful to a wide range of users in making economic decisions (IASB Framework). Financial Statements provide useful information to a wide range of users:

Managers require Financial Statements to manage the affairs of the company by assessing its financial performance and position and taking important business decisions.

Financial Institutions (e.g. banks) use Financial Statements to decide whether to grant a loan or credit to a business. Financial institutions assess the financial health of a business to determine the probability of a bad loan. Any decision to lend must be supported by a sufficient asset base and liquidity.

Suppliers need Financial Statements to assess the creditworthiness of a business and ascertain whether to supply goods on credit. Suppliers need to know if they will be repaid. Terms of credit are set according to the assessment of their customers’ financial health.

Employees use Financial Statements for assessing the company’s profitability and its consequence on their future remuneration and job security.

General Public may be interested in the effects of a company on the economy, environment and the local community.

Governments require Financial Statements to determine the correctness of tax declared in the tax returns. The government also keeps track of economic progress through analysis of Financial Statements of businesses from different sectors of the economy.

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